Mid-Year Back To School Backache?

Our Mandurah Chiropractor recommends that school bags should be checked before the start of each school term.

This is a great time to check out how their backpack is fitting and make a few simple changes if necessary, to help prevent poor posture.

Good News for Resistance Training

Good News for Resistance Training

Who needs more evidence that exercise is good for you? Well whether you like it or not, there is actually quite a lot to back it up! And lately, there is more and more research to support resistance training as a great exercise.

A Walk in Nature Could Change Your Life

A Walk in Nature Could Change Your Life

Hold on to your sunhats. Going outside and into the natural environment could be exactly what you need. Studies from around the world show us that that nature is a health tonic ripe for the picking. From improving physical health to lifting mood, promoting relaxation, improving concentration, and facilitating social connectedness, nature seems to have it all.

Neck Pain as a Cause Of Dizziness?

Neck Pain as a Cause Of Dizziness?

‘Cervicogenic dizziness’ defines dizziness induced by changes in position of the neck. Manual therapy, such as chiropractic can help by increasing the range of movement of the neck, reducing muscle spasm, and restoring mechanical gliding of the joints.

3 Simple Steps to Achieve Better Balance

3 Simple Steps to Achieve Better Balance

To be able to balance, your body need to know where all its parts are, in relation to the world around you. Whether you are sitting, walking, or standing on your head, your body is constantly providing information to the brain regarding your body’s position and alignment.