Muscle Spasm

Neck Pain as a Cause Of Dizziness?

Neck Pain as a Cause Of Dizziness?

‘Cervicogenic dizziness’ defines dizziness induced by changes in position of the neck. Manual therapy, such as chiropractic can help by increasing the range of movement of the neck, reducing muscle spasm, and restoring mechanical gliding of the joints.

Smart Phone Posture Causes ‘Text Neck Syndrome’

Smart Phone Posture Causes ‘Text Neck Syndrome’

Lets take a wild guess. I would say you are slumped in a chair or leaning over a table whilst reading this, with your head tilted forward and shoulders curved. And, if you are using a mobile device to read this, you are probably even more stooped with your arms bent at your side. Am I right? This familiar posture is what causes “Text Neck Syndrome”.