
Mid-Year Back To School Backache?

Our Mandurah Chiropractor recommends that school bags should be checked before the start of each school term.

This is a great time to check out how their backpack is fitting and make a few simple changes if necessary, to help prevent poor posture.

New Medical Guidelines Recommend Conservative Therapies

New Medical Guidelines Recommend Conservative Therapies

Lower back pain is one of the most common reasons for a GP visit and is the worlds leading cause of disability. New guidelines for treating low back pain address both short-term and long-term pain, with both cases suggesting to trial non-drug therapies first, such as chiropractic.

Neck Pain as a Cause Of Dizziness?

Neck Pain as a Cause Of Dizziness?

‘Cervicogenic dizziness’ defines dizziness induced by changes in position of the neck. Manual therapy, such as chiropractic can help by increasing the range of movement of the neck, reducing muscle spasm, and restoring mechanical gliding of the joints.

3 Simple Steps to Achieve Better Balance

3 Simple Steps to Achieve Better Balance

To be able to balance, your body need to know where all its parts are, in relation to the world around you. Whether you are sitting, walking, or standing on your head, your body is constantly providing information to the brain regarding your body’s position and alignment.

Posture Matters!

Posture Matters!

Bad posture is one of the most common causes of back pain for office workers. This entertaining video gives a great explanation of some of the dangers of poor posture and will teach you some simple ways to stay healthy during your day in the office!