Good News for Resistance Training

Waters Family Chiropractic Resistance Training

Who needs more evidence that exercise is good for you?

Well whether you like it or not, there is actually quite a lot to back it up! And lately, there is more and more research to support resistance training as a great exercise.

Resistance training is a form of exercise that increases muscle strength by working your body against a weight or force. Types of resistance training include: your own body weight; weight machines; free weights; and resistance bands.

The good news is that there is substantial research that resistance training can control and even prevent the advancement of chronic musculoskeletal diseases. Osteoarthritis, osteoporosis and low back pain are just a few of the conditions in which this type of exercise can help.

The journal ‘Sports Medicine’ recently confirmed that resistance training could help with injury prevention, maintaining mobility, improving fitness and function. As well as being a great therapeutic tool for most musculoskeletal disorders, resistance training also increases the confidence and freedom of older people with musculoskeletal problems, thus increasing their quality of life. 

Resistance-type exercises are commonly incorporated into treatments at Waters Family Chiropractic. Here are some examples on when we use them:

  • Tennis elbow treatment
  • Strengthening of the anterior neck muscles
  • Low back pain
  • Posture correction
  • Gluteus activation
  • Global muscular and spinal conditioning

If you would like to implement resistance training and chiropractic care into your journey for a pain-free life give us a call on 0403 903 690 or make your initial consultation online at

Ciolac EG, et al. 2016. Resistance Training As A Tool For Preventing And Treating Musculoskeletal Disorders. Sports Medicine.