3 Simple Steps to Achieve Better Balance

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Staying upright is a complex business, requiring three important contributors for balance.

  1. Eye-sight; 
  2. Tiny hair-like cells inside each inner ear;
  3. Receptors located inside your joints, muscles and tendons called proprioceptors.

To be able to balance, your body need to know where all its parts are, in relation to the world around you. Whether you are sitting, walking, or standing on your head, your body is constantly providing information to the brain regarding your body’s position and alignment. Compare standing on one leg with your eyes open versus with your eyes closed and it becomes easy to see how important having all 3 messages for balance are. 

So if you have poor balance and want to correct it, there are 3 simple things you can do to improve your balance today.

1. Get your eyes checked
This is an obvious one, but often overlooked as a main cause for poor balance. If your eye-sight is lacking, or you haven't had your glasses checked in a while then getting the correct eye-wear could have a big impact in your balance.

2. Get your spine examined by a Chiropractor
The proprioreceptors responsible for balance have their highest concentration in the muscles and joints of your spine and neck (as well as the ankles). Studies have shown that chiropractic adjustments have a direct and immediate effect in improving balance by correcting responses in the joint receptors.

3.  Train your balance
Standing on one leg is one of the simplest and most effective exercises for improving balance. However with practice, this exercise will become too easy. So to increase the challenge, try use a wobble board to help you improve your balance even more.


If you experience poor balance or dizziness, you should consult your chiropractor or GP immediately. There are many causes of poor balance and with a proper evaluation by a health professional you will be able to take the necessary steps toward treatment and recovery.