Lets take a wild guess. I would say you are slumped in a chair or leaning over a table whilst reading this, with your head tilted forward and shoulders curved. And, if you are using a mobile device to read this, you are probably even more stooped with your arms bent at your side. Am I right? This familiar posture is what causes “Text Neck Syndrome”.
6 Ways to Keep Your Spine Healthy & Happy
Feel Awesome with Chiropractic Adjustments
A chiropractic adjustment is much more gentle than most people imagine, involving a quick, direct movement to a specific spinal joint. At Waters Family Chiropractic, there is no bone snapping or warrior-style pulling heads off spinal columns! Most people after a chiropractic adjustment describe feeling “lighter”, having greater ease in moving the body, and being able to stand up taller.
Paracetamol - No Better Than Placebo for Low Back Pain
So, you may have heard the news. According to a study published on April Fools Day 2015, Paracetamol has been deemed useless in the treatment of low back pain. And that's no joke! The study published was a review of 13 trials published around the world, and reported on the effects of paracetamol based on more than 5,000 patients.