A chiropractic adjustment is much more gentle than most people imagine, involving a quick, direct movement to a specific spinal joint. At Waters Family Chiropractic, there is no bone snapping or warrior-style pulling heads off spinal columns! Most people after a chiropractic adjustment describe feeling “lighter”, having greater ease in moving the body, and being able to stand up taller.
Low Back Pain - the Worlds Leading Cause of Disability
5 Ingredients To Stay Far, Far Away From
Paracetamol - No Better Than Placebo for Low Back Pain
So, you may have heard the news. According to a study published on April Fools Day 2015, Paracetamol has been deemed useless in the treatment of low back pain. And that's no joke! The study published was a review of 13 trials published around the world, and reported on the effects of paracetamol based on more than 5,000 patients.
Get your body back to balance - Sports & Chiropractic
Chiropractic may be just the thing you need to enjoy your favourite sport even more. Why? Because chiropractic is all about helping you enjoy more freedom of movement and getting your body back to balance. Many athletes notice a dramatic difference in their muscle strength, balance, coordination, performance and flexibility following a chiropractic adjustment.