Pro's and Con's of Fitness Trackers

Everyone is wearing one these days but are they worth it?? 

The Pros of the Fitness Trackers include 

1. Getting that accountability to move your body 

2. Much-needed daily motivation

4. Set your own fitness goals

5. Tracking your sleep can be really handy to see what patterns you have and how much restful sleep you are actually getting. 

6. Monitor your heart rate 

The Cons of fitness trackers 

1. They can be expensive. Do your research and see what functions you will actually use before paying up. 

2. Having notifications and Bluetooth switched on all the time can aggravate stress levels. By always being ‘connected’ in this Morden world. It might not be the best thing that our watches are buzzing on our wrist all day. 

Dr Kelly recommendations turning notifications off and constant Bluetooth connection off as well. Has Bluetooth can affect our health.

Overall there are more Pros than cons but with anything in modern society we need to see if technology is helping us or harming us and weigh up the benefits.