Healthy joints and muscles are absolutely essential to keep your health at its optimum. Here at Waters Family Chiropractic, we deal with muscular imbalances, sporting injuries and poor posture on a daily basis.
Alongside chiropractic adjustments, soft tissue therapies and a range of other treatment techniques, we also offer neuro-muscular taping to enable you to get better faster and prevent injuries in the future.
Used for treating athletic injuries and a variety of physical disorders, this specific type of elastic taping allows for support and stability to muscles and joints, without restricting the body's range of motion.
Muscular Support + Balance: Proper taping enhances the muscle's capacity to contract even when it's weakened, reduces pain and fatigue, and protects the muscle from cramping.
Improves Blood + Lymphatic Circulation: By allowing the free flow of fluid within a joint, it also helps to drain inflammation and remove excess chemical buildup in the tissue to speed up the healing process.
Relieves pain + Corrects Joint Function: By improving the range of joint misalignments that result from tight muscles.
At Waters Family Chiropractic we use a tape that will last for approximately 3-5 days, is water-resistant and hypoallergenic.